Welcome to BuzzTunes.org!

Hello and welcome to the BuzzTunes community! This is the place to upload your music projects made in Jeskola Buzz or any other software for critique and intelligent networking between other musicians.

Latest uploads

  • 2024-12-20
    The Hawkins Construct by svanleeuwen 
    [Synthpop] [OGG/MP3]
    [8.0 MB]
    [hits: 14]

    8.0 MB

    [hits: 14]
  • 2024-12-20
    Falling by svanleeuwen 
    [Trance] [OGG/MP3]
    [8.3 MB]
    [hits: 8]

    8.3 MB

    [hits: 8]
  • 2024-12-20
    FISH KING by jennyrave 
    [Alternative Rock] [OGG/MP3]
    [7.0 MB]
    [hits: 30]

    7.0 MB

    [hits: 30]
  • 2024-12-20
    Phosphor by Custodian 
    [Acid] [OGG/MP3]
    [6.0 MB]
    [comment: 1] [hits: 86]

    6.0 MB

    [comment: 1] [hits: 86]
  • 2024-12-20
    There's no way back by jennyrave 
    [Alternative Rock] [OGG/MP3]
    [9.1 MB]
    [hits: 50]

    9.1 MB

    [hits: 50]
  • 2024-12-20
    Interference Pattern by jennyrave 
    [Space] [OGG/MP3]
    [8.8 MB]
    [hits: 20]

    8.8 MB

    [hits: 20]
  • 2024-12-19
    Divine Proportion 1-618 by jennyrave 
    [Downbeat] [OGG/MP3]
    [9.0 MB]
    [hits: 22]

    9.0 MB

    [hits: 22]
  • 2024-12-19
    D4 by jennyrave 
    [Drum & Bass] [OGG/MP3]
    [9.2 MB]
    [comments: 2] [hits: 27]

    9.2 MB

    [comments: 2] [hits: 27]
  • 2024-12-18
    I Opened the Gateway by jennyrave 
    [Psytrance] [OGG/MP3]
    [9.8 MB]
    [hits: 27]

    9.8 MB

    [hits: 27]
  • 2024-12-18
    Algibaa by AniCator 
    [Breakbeat] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.9 MB]
    [rating: 10/1] [comment: 1] [hits: 25]

    4.9 MB

    [rating: 10/1] [comment: 1] [hits: 25]