Cadavres exquis jam - 4516N41 Rmx (original by magmavander)
- Release date
- Author
- Genre
- Dance/Techno
- Description
- Better late then never. I got some writers block for a few days but finaly managed to make something out of it.
- Format
- Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
- File size
- 2.1 MB
- Downloaded / played
1124 times
- Commented
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)
- Collaboration
This track is the remix of:
- See also
Latest dance/techno tracks on BuzzTunes:
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Wowowow Tiadiad version was dark and mysterious, yours is punchy, bright and more complex. You've done a very good work in arrangement. Very well produced. It's such a wonder to see how one of your theme can inspire people in such different ways. This is always amazing me and that's why I like so much jam. I always learn a lot
btw : if I was you I would work with full volume and use cheapo amp for fade in (or out).
From buzzmachines tips :
How to fade-in/out with cheapo amp:
1) Make a pattern that sets the 'gain in %' to 0 and the inertial to 0.
2) Make another pattern that sets the 'gain in %' value to what you want. Set the inertial value to however many ticks you want it to take to fade in from 0 to your specified value. - kmkrebs
Now it's your turn to upload some jammy bmx
I am ready
Thanks man glad you like it, and thanks for the tip. I always forget cheapo amp(like so many machines)
And yeah I will find some jam that needs remixin