Tribute (Blues in Am7)

Release date
This is some Jazzy Blues I made in Buzz early 2009.  
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
6.7 MB
Downloaded / played
1150 times
14 times
9.5 (4 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest blues tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • I cant believe that no one commented this one. Beautiful theme, laidback and chillout, I didnt feel the 4 minutes! Superb!! 10
  • Indeed a great relaxing piece. Some moments in the guitar solo seem out of tune, though.
  • Thanks man I´m glad you liked it . I´m sure that it just got lost amongst the 10 other REALLY GOOD songs that came just a day after I posted it.  :P
  • @Shytan:

    Sorry I didnt see your comment until now (I couldnt see it here yesterday). Yeah I know,  the song was made kinda on the fly(Maybe 1 hour with everything) and the solo was just one take that I made up on the spot on a Acoustic guitar but playing it like an electric guitar(I just know the pentatonic scale and the song is in m7´s). And yes I´m not a very good sologuitarplayer 

    Maybe one day I´ll record it again with better setup. I had to record it through my old Guitaramp that got butchered with an electricbass on a Punk session my friends had(You cant trust some people with your stuff)  so it has more much more noise than it should. And actually play the solo on an Electric guitar.

    Anyway glad you enjoy´d it

  • By the way, all instruments sound very live, did you really use Buzz here?  
    'Cause if you did, I'd ask for a bmx to play with.
  • @Shytan:

    Yes it was recorded thru buzz and arranged in buzz. The only Generator that wasnt a tracker was Bass3 if I remember correctly.But the fadeout in the end could have been done in cooledit. The Original is a little bit longer.

    I´ll post the Bmx. It wasnt as big as I thought only 10mb(I´ll zip it)

  • Well there could be a problem. I added song info to the Bmx and then I saved it and it became 23mb. There could be that (for some reasons, I didnt do it on purpose) it only saved the wave references. I moved the waves and it still loaded with them so maybe it´s ok. 

     I´m going to put the bmx in my box to and you can check it out and tell me if it works, if it doesnt I´ll post the 23mb version. But another thing the 10mb version only compresses to 9.14Mb so it cant be stored here at Buzztunes


  • Oh! Thanks a lot. 
    Great, it works perfectly well on Buzz 1.2. 
  • If you want..... remix the living hell out of  it .
  • Just now listened. Agreed with Magma, strong 10 here! The best track, that I listened here for the last time. Delicate guitar sounds are outstanding.
  • > If you want..... remix the living hell out of it 
    Made a few attempts just yesterday. Still too raw to show I'll post it as soon as I make it right.
  • @BeeKeeper: Thanks man

    @Shytan: Sorry I havent checked out the comments for my songs in some time. But am looking forward to hear it when it´s ready (take the time you need)

  • Just discovered this one in the random radio of Did enjoy it very much. Give us some more blues. Very nice harmonies!