Generative Universe - Variation 2
- Release date
- Author
- Genre
- Trance
- Description
- Based on the original 'Generative Universe' which I didn't upload to BuzzTunes because it would kill your ears.
This is a new variation I made based on the original track. It's a lot more balanced than the original track which had a very resonating sound.
I will also upload another variation that I will post as a remix to this one. That version was inspired by a video game in which you would walk from the outside area into this ice cave.
In the game the music smoothly transitioned to another piece. My track may not be as original as that track but I like it.
It's relaxing.
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 2.8 MB
- Downloaded / played
1500 times
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution (by)
- Collaboration
Remixes based on this track:
- See also
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