Horns 2nd Concert

Release date
A.k.a. the extended version of Horns. Still work-in-progress.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.0 MB
Downloaded / played
625 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest classical tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Hi anicator. It is good that you are working on this classical project, I am really looking forward to listen to final version. Some notes about this version. That second part you added here (and a bit of third) changes the pace quite good, but in my opinion it takes a lot of elements from the first part. The flute sound is very repetitive, the same melody is heard through entire composition. The way I see it is second part should bare no resembles with the first one, it should change the mood and put listener into another mind condition, he should forget the initial melody. Then gradually you introduce him to another part, another story that changes the mood. And then the final part should remind the listener where it all begun, you use the initial melody and develop it till the end. I hope my notes will be useful (but I'm sure you already know all flaws and how to finish the composition), and I didn't get you bored with all these words. By the way it sounds rather familiar. I heard smth like this on mezzo chanel - some dj was playing with an orchestra, maybe you heard it also. Good luck with your project!
  • Thanks. You are totally right, it needs a lot more of variation. And the repetitive melodies are annoying. That is why it is work in progress. It is good to hear that I am not the only one thinking that that should be improved. Your ease-in ease-out comment is useful too. I actually made three tracks based on the first release of Horns. The final result will actually be a more tweaked and varied than the this release. I simply needed some feedback. I am also going to add some more instruments to get rid of the monotone feel of the track. Meanwhile I suggest that you also listen to a more recent track I made called 'Cello Incognito', - AniCator