Mixed Cultures (Work-In-Progress)

Release date
Classical Modern
Not inspired by different cultures but I do use instruments from different cultures. However this is still a work-in-progress. The genre I picked is just a gamble. Since it is using a broad selection of instruments. There is some bursting in the end since I haven't got the kick right yet.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
3.2 MB
Downloaded / played
1107 times
7 times
9 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest classical modern tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Twenty-eight downloads and no comments? I do need some help to get this track sound right.
  • 53 times downloaded! WOW! Why?
  • Lizard
    You could add at 2:00 some arpeggios. Maybe with a harplike instrument. At about min 3:00 after the big climax I expect something more. Fuller, special melody, or harmonic change. But it just ends :/ It's a pity cause, the title is all in all good.
  • Sorry for the missing climax. I wanted to add one but I had great difficulties mastering it. It kept bursting. Alternative melody, that's a good second option. I'll see if I can succeed.
  • Very nice track with a cathy melody! The kick sometimes a little too much, it distorses, and the koto sounds detuned with the other instruments. Very interesting and a climax would be great also in my opinion
  • Very imaginative, emotional piece. Nine from me here.
  • The glory days. XD