Peaks and Sunsets (final)

Release date
Well, i am not completely satisfied about this track, maybe it is to much long, maybe is lacking another instruments part, or maybe it is to much time that i am listening and I need an external opinion.

So guys, tell me if the track can be good as it is or has need other developement.

This track want be also a little demo of VSTi ZynAddSubFx, infact all the sounds ,except the hi-hat, are done with this great and underrated synth. Thanks to Paul Nasca for this his great gift.

Composed and recorded with BUZE v.0.5.8 and ZynAddSubFx 2.2.1 ver.2008; the audio file is low bit/rate due to the upload limit of 5MB.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.9 MB
Downloaded / played
1073 times
10 times
9.7 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest meditative tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Late, but hoepefully not to late here is my comment 'bout your final version. This time I really enjoyed all of your additions (like counter melody part and some brass-sounding stuff). Very well done! Good sound production. Almost everything done with The great ZynAddSubFx Synth. Good work and - of course - after transforming into mp3 a canditate for my mp3-player. Btw the whole thing reminds me of the background music of a galaxy screensaver I own ..., perhaps it was made with zynAddSubFx too.
  • BHS
    Many thanks Buzztler, you are to much kind. If you want an mp3 with more quality (192..320 Kbs) i can re-encode the original wav file and send you the new mp3 file. Ciao.
  • Mille grazie BHS, but you wont believe it, meanwhile I transformed your vorbis-file into an 128 kb mp3 and it sounds fine to my ears. Perhaps that's the result of some DTH-Concerts , but I am really satisfied with the sound. Nevertheless a great proposal from you, thanks again for that offer. Btw I found a win32 compiled version of ZynAddSubFx on the web, now I can test the latest version myself. On the other hand I am doing some mixing-experiments and try to get a better sound for my own buzz-tracks, let's see what comes out ... . Ciao e a presto [un stupido e brutto tedesco ]
  • JoaCHIP
    Heh... this reminds me of the sound of various Amiga demos and games, but in much cleaner quality of course. Very retro indeed. Good synth sounds.
  • vaisnava
    very nice "epic" sounding work here... very well produced.
  • BHS
    Thanks to everybody. @JoaCHIP: many thanks for your appreciation i am very glad that you like this track and i send to you my compliments for all your wonderful machine. Would be great if you and other great buzz coders like you , one day can build a new generator machine using the algorithm made by Paul Nasca (at BuzzMachines sites, in the Messageboard, Paul Nasca explain a bit this synthesis algorithm ). Thanks to all for listen (156 downloads is not so bad !!)
  • Shytan
    Magical sounds! I always found this synth hard to configure, but after listening to this track (and others by you also), I'll give ZynAddSubFx another try. Miraviglioso!
  • BHS
    Thanks Shytan. Yes, ZynAddSubFx is not so friendly, but after some exercise you can get great result. I hope always more musicians will try and uncover this special Synth.
  • Very spacey sounding, great use of the stereo wideness. Very positive feel and a cool retro video games touch
  • Lizard
    Hey BHS I've listened now more often to this song. I really like the new counterpoint and also the most of this song, but there are some little things I dislike quite a lot. One thing is this long "pause" from 1:00 to 2:03 At 1:38 or so must be the melodic and fully harmonic part again. I'm always awaiting this cool part. But it takes soooo long hehe, it really anoys me. so please just shorten this midpart. The other thing is, that I'd like to have the high tones (the sine-like ones) to be much more present. This way their melody gets lost. I hope you know which instrument and which melodic line I mean. It plays kinda counterpart to the hipass main synthi line. but anyway very good title!! But please change this two things, it's really anoying for me.