Tangerine Pad Long (original by BHS)

Release date
New Age
Changed some notes and ornaments (bend, modulation) to the lead line and added a couple of repetition.
For my taste now is better.
Tell me about.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.7 MB
Downloaded / played
2188 times
12 times
10 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest new age tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • ah just in time for my bedtime 10+
  • Wow!!!
  • flos
    Come il pollo Amadori.
  • BHS
    Bella Flos ! Grazie.
  • Beautiful, and relaaaaaxing. Peace !
  • Yea, can't say other than beautiful... and yea relaxing
  • Maybe I'm just a sucker for swelling pads, but this piece actually moved me to tears just now. I can see this as the climax-moment soundtrack for so many different kinds of movies. The most obvious genre would be love-story fantasy, I suppose, but I believe it could work just as well in lots of other kinds of works. Could be great at a wedding dance or a skating competition, too! Thanks for sharing it.
  • BHS
    Thanks to all guys,you are all very kind. I hope in future to compose yet songs of this type.
  • Coooool
  • Underwatersunlight
    Were you using the VSTi of Zyn for that gorgeous piece of music ? If so, in which host ? I'm asking because I have great trouble with Zyn2008 VSti in Ableton Live... Thanks
  • BHS
    @UnderwaterSunlight: I will answer to you on KVR Audio. Thanks for listening my tracks. BUZZ and BUZE are my Host/DAW.
  • Hey, Paolo! 
    Where are you?