Sardinian Sunrise (Edit)

Release date
Binary Baby
Chilled summer house/trance tune. Would be very interested to have your comments and/or remixes. (Contact me for bmx source file). Thanks for listening.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
3.3 MB
Downloaded / played
1253 times
10 times
8.5 (2 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

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  • BHS
    Good, simple, summer, very pleasant to hear. Melody miminalistic but really nice. Very good quality of the sounds of instruments and drums. In terms of mixing in my opinion it sounds a little too monaural, there are effects of delay and reverb in stereo but all the instruments sound a little 'too center. For example, the melody at some point could be performed simultaneously by two instruments with stamp slightly differently and with the pan-pot opposed (1 instrument pan pot almost everything right, instrument 2 pan-pot almost everything left). Anyway good. Uploaded on my USB-pen MP3 player to listen on my car. Bravo !
  • BHS
    SOrry i have wrong the rating . ! For me is a 9 !!
  • mag
    dito, cool and pleasant tune, a bit dry but you know me Melodicaly very cool!
  • Very Nice! I think it sounds more like Electro House to me.
  • BHS
    Listening in my hi-fi car at strong volume and this your track is 100 times better than all the shit transmitted on the FM radio. Again i can say :a good work here .. and the structure is so open that is even possible making many other variations. Go Bynary , GO !!! P.S. BuzzAdmin : can you change my rate for this track from 8 to 9 . Thanks !!
  • Cheers BHS that means a lot to me. I'm also impressed that you managed to play the OGG file in your car stereo! About the possibility of making other variations - Yeah, I'm working on a couple of alternate versions right now. Why not have a go at remixing the track yourself? I got the BMX ready and waiting. Thanks also Zaph and Mag for your comments. Noted and respected.!
  • Admin
    Rating changed.
  • flos
    Nice, nice... your style is very good, I perfectly agree with BHS opinion! But... why 'Sardinian'? Maybe the vocal sample comes from an old Sardinian man? Sorry, I'm a curious guy... :-d
  • Cheers flos, it's inspired by what I've seen and read about Sardinia... While everyone in the dance community raves about Ibiza, they havent noticed (thankfully) Sardinia - a jewel of an island which sits a few hundred miles east of the Balearics, secluded, unspoiled and perfect for chilling out. I'm visiting Sardinia later this summer and I sort of wrote this song to express my excitement of seeing my first "Sardinian sunrise", so to speak. Go look at Google Images for "sardinian sunrise" and you'll see the sort of thing in my head when I wrote the tune. Hope that answers your Q !
  • flos
    Oh yeah, I know Sardinia, be sure to explore it deeply (interior comprised) because you will be surprised from it! Also try their cheese! I talked about its language because has its autonomy and is one of the most conservative languages deriving from Latin. Probably you also know the longevity of its natives.