- Release date
- Author
- Genre
- Electronica
- Description
- Little piece I've been working on in my spare time here and there featuring a few phrases by astronomer Carl Sagan.
I used Audacity to record the first/last parts using Buzz's speed feature to slow it down. I then spliced it all together kinda cheesily. It still needs more work and polish really.
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 5.7 MB
- Downloaded / played
1829 times
- Commented
5 times
- Rating
(4 votes)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)
- Collaboration
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I included the source in case someone wanted to take the idea and do it justice. I also learned alot (read copied setups I liked) looking at other people's source and figure it is only fair that I should reciprocate.
.. and I remixed.. not finished though.. just some ideas