Brian AD

Registration date
Real name
Brian Dimock
Just Buzz and various PC's over the years.
I have been using Buzz since January of 2002 but have never actively participated in the scene. This is mostly because none of my music can ever measure up to my aspirations. Of the hundreds of pieces I have started, I only have a small handful that are even close to being in a finished state. I always thought that Da Vinci's famous quote about art being abandoned rather than finished only applied to great artists but I believe that it also applies to those with limited talents such as myself. However great or small an artist's talent is, his artistic vision must surpass his abilities. It is the pursuit of the unattainable ideal that drives him. Now that I acknowledge that fact, I just want to share some of my music with other people who love Buzz. It is nothing great but I would rather share my silly music that just let it sit here silently on my hard drive!
Latest uploads by Brian AD
Uploaded tracks: 5 | Posted comments: 11 | Registered votes: 0
Uploads: 5 | Comments: 11 | Votes: 0

Music by Brian AD

  • 2010-06-16
    Amethyst Remembrance by Brian AD 
    [Trance] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.1 MB]
    [rating: 7/1] [comments: 6] [hits: 1584]

    4.1 MB

    [rating: 7/1] [comments: 6] [hits: 1584]
  • 2010-05-25
    A Glory From the Earth (bmx) by Brian AD 
    [Dance/Techno] [Buzz]
    [8.6 KB]
    [rating: 10/1] [comment: 1] [hits: 370]

    8.6 KB

    [rating: 10/1] [comment: 1] [hits: 370]
  • 2010-05-23
    A Glory From the Earth (version 2) by Brian AD 
    [Dance/Techno] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.4 MB]
    [rating: 9/2] [comments: 4] [hits: 532]

    4.4 MB

    [rating: 9/2] [comments: 4] [hits: 532]
  • 2010-05-09
    Glory and the Dream by Brian AD 
    [Dance/Techno] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.5 MB]
    [comments: 4] [hits: 632]

    4.5 MB

    [comments: 4] [hits: 632]
  • 2010-04-26
    A Glory From the Earth by Brian AD 
    [Dance/Techno] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.7 MB]
    [rating: 9/2] [comments: 7] [hits: 363]

    4.7 MB

    [rating: 9/2] [comments: 7] [hits: 363]