- Release date
- Author
- Genre
- Crossover
- Description
- Same as the zipped bmx-file as ogg at 96 bitrate(!)
I started this little project while I've waited for a backup-copy to end. So, I've done it with my old "overloaded" buzz, running on SUSE Linux 10.2, which is a so called J.A.D. System (Jack Audio Distribution).
I think this LINUX distribution is discontinued at the moment, but it was worth the setup, 'cause it runs almost stable and has ASIO compatibility due to the JACK Audio Connection Kit, I sometimes still use it for vocal and guitar recording ... .
The track is a small bmx with a few gens, effects and a matilde 1.9 rc7, which is necessary for some Santa "tsching, tsching" ... (so not really necessary for the track :P).
Finally it sounded like a goth, reggae, christmas-something, a bit experimental and with a melody-line from some dark zone of my brain, ehm well, have fun ... .
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 2.6 MB
- Downloaded / played
584 times
- Rating
(1 vote)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)
- See also
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