
Registration date
Real name
A GREAT FAN OF JESKOLA BUZZ, Freeware Plugins, HT 3.4 Mhz Prescott CPU, Windows XP, Real Guitars Sometimes I also use a 2.8 Ghz Pentium with a LINUX System (with JACK), old Buzz and a soundblaster-card I found on a rainy day - totally wet - on the "bulky waste" Meanwhile there is also some more actual hard- and software in my tiny studio ...
"Lemmy" is still dead ... Rock 'n' Roll must go on ... Buzztler = Bastler = another word for "hobbyist" Influences: All music
Latest uploads by Buzztler
Uploaded tracks: 54 | Posted comments: 417 | Registered votes: 291
Uploads: 54 | Comments: 417 | Votes: 291

Music by Buzztler

  • 2015-06-25
    Lucid Talking With A Little Lynx by Buzztler 
    [Gear Demo] [OGG/MP3]
    [5.8 MB]
    [rating: 8.5/2] [hits: 319]

    5.8 MB

    [rating: 8.5/2] [hits: 319]
  • 2015-04-23
    The Strange Delta-House On Planet Venus by Buzztler 
    [House] [OGG/MP3]
    [8.9 MB]
    [rating: 8.8/4] [comments: 3] [hits: 565]

    8.9 MB

    [rating: 8.8/4] [comments: 3] [hits: 565]
  • 2015-03-05
    A Gate To The Stars by Buzztler 
    [Ambient] [OGG/MP3]
    [5.3 MB]
    [rating: 8/2] [comments: 2] [hits: 616]

    5.3 MB

    [rating: 8/2] [comments: 2] [hits: 616]
  • 2015-02-10
    Metal Pearl BMX Buzztler TheDeafWalk RMX (original… by Buzztler 
    [Metal] [Buzz]
    [183.0 KB]
    [hits: 1094]

    183.0 KB

    [hits: 1094]
  • 2015-02-10
    Metal Pearl Buzztler TheDeafWalk RMX (original… by Buzztler 
    [Metal] [OGG/MP3]
    [6.5 MB]
    [comments: 4] [hits: 1425]

    6.5 MB

    [comments: 4] [hits: 1425]
  • 2015-02-05
    MaschinenMusik by Buzztler 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [8.7 MB]
    [comments: 3] [hits: 411]

    8.7 MB

    [comments: 3] [hits: 411]
  • 2015-01-08
    Galaxy Cruiser by Buzztler 
    [Space] [OGG/MP3]
    [6.6 MB]
    [rating: 9/2] [comments: 6] [hits: 527]

    6.6 MB

    [rating: 9/2] [comments: 6] [hits: 527]
  • 2014-04-14
    Bow Low (original by thOke) by Buzztler 
    [Early Music] [OGG/MP3]
    [1.2 MB]
    [hits: 1279]

    1.2 MB

    [hits: 1279]
  • 2014-04-14
    Bow Low (original by thOke) by Buzztler 
    [Early Music] [Buzz]
    [240.1 KB]
    [comment: 1] [hits: 1079]

    240.1 KB

    [comment: 1] [hits: 1079]
  • 2014-04-07
    Flying Dutchman - Montgolfiere 2 by Buzztler 
    [Experimental] [OGG/MP3]
    [3.4 MB]
    [comment: 1] [hits: 335]

    3.4 MB

    [comment: 1] [hits: 335]
  • 2014-04-04
    System malFUNction by Buzztler 
    [Detroit] [OGG/MP3]
    [1.2 MB]
    [hits: 319]

    1.2 MB

    [hits: 319]
  • 2014-03-21
    Stratosphäre by Buzztler 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [3.1 MB]
    [comment: 1] [hits: 365]

    3.1 MB

    [comment: 1] [hits: 365]
  • 2014-03-19
    Ocean by Buzztler 
    [Meditative] [OGG/MP3]
    [1.2 MB]
    [rating: 9/3] [comments: 4] [hits: 432]

    1.2 MB

    [rating: 9/3] [comments: 4] [hits: 432]
  • 2014-03-13
    Buzztler - Sei mein Stern - Version by Buzztler 
    [Gothic] [OGG/MP3]
    [10.0 MB]
    [rating: 8.5/2] [comments: 2] [hits: 456]

    10.0 MB

    [rating: 8.5/2] [comments: 2] [hits: 456]
  • 2014-01-29
    [CSC] Stockhausen Meditates on the Chinese Wall… by Buzztler 
    [Meditative] [OGG/MP3]
    [9.3 MB]
    [rating: 7/1] [comments: 4] [hits: 661]

    9.3 MB

    [rating: 7/1] [comments: 4] [hits: 661]
  • 2014-01-29
    [CSC] Stockhausen Meditates on the Chinese Wall… by Buzztler 
    [Meditative] [Buzz]
    [10.3 KB]
    [hits: 375]

    10.3 KB

    [hits: 375]
  • 2013-11-29
    Buzztler Plays Live Improva by Buzztler 
    [Gear Demo] [OGG/MP3]
    [7.5 MB]
    [rating: 9/2] [comments: 2] [hits: 656]

    7.5 MB

    [rating: 9/2] [comments: 2] [hits: 656]
  • 2013-07-18
    DemoMode (WIP) by Buzztler 
    [IDM] [OGG/MP3]
    [1.4 MB]
    [hits: 312]

    1.4 MB

    [hits: 312]
  • 2013-03-14
    A Quick One by Buzztler 
    [Crossover] [OGG/MP3]
    [5.6 MB]
    [rating: 8.5/2] [comments: 2] [hits: 912]

    5.6 MB

    [rating: 8.5/2] [comments: 2] [hits: 912]
  • 2012-12-11
    Buzztler - Adventum by Buzztler 
    [Crossover] [OGG/MP3]
    [2.6 MB]
    [rating: 8/1] [hits: 583]

    2.6 MB

    [rating: 8/1] [hits: 583]