
Release date
psychadelic trance experience
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.6 MB
Downloaded / played
1600 times
9 times
8.5 (2 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

Remixes based on this track:
See also
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  • Not my cup of tea, but really enjoyed. Nice beat, melodic line, и вообще мелодично так и бодренько! Класс. Только белого шума кое где многовато помоему. Сам по себе он звучит хорошо, но когда сливается в общее, то ощущение будто сэмпл какой то с шумком. Может я ошибаюсь, хз.
  • Thanks! Пасиб за конструктивный отзыв! По поводу шума надо поковыряться... может действительно переработать что.
  • [anonymous]
    thank you beekeeper to put some words in english here
  • Let me to translate it Beekeeper told about white noise in the track. He thinks it's too much noise in some parts - so track sounds a bit muddy. I said that I could do something about this, to do a better mix.
  • beekeeper
    Hey, my anonymous friend! Do you know at least one russian word whithout using soft translator of course ? Oh yes! May be in the best case you know whole 2 words - balalaika and voDka. Lol peace Thanks Duskdemon .
  • [anonymous]
    @Duskdemon: i know also two other words: да and нет !
  • Admin
    Well, I hope at least cyrillic characters do get displayed correctly on non-Russian localized OS's (well, they should as long as you have the appropriate fonts installed). If not, please report. PS. Nice track, Demon.
  • Really a good one ...
  • magmavander
    oups, I missed this one. Good work, sounds good. Some interesting breaks. Cool listen, thanks