
Release date
as the title suggests,somewhat laid-back.I just found this on my hard drive , I don't remember making it!

the bmx contains a 'electric bass guitar' sf2 I have made ,using bigyo's wood1.
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
1.5 MB
Downloaded / played
1278 times
4 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

Remixes based on this track:
See also
Latest laidback tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • thanks guys for noticing my error regarding the bigyo delay.please re-download this new fixed version,and delete the prior/broken file . I hope I haven't spoiled your listening pleasure! regards , d'FinggaH.
  • very dense atmosphere, really nice infector3 and a cool bass. did you play it manually via midi ?? the timing is quite loose though and i don't like the drums very much. (i made a quick remix with more straight and simple jazz drums - don't know, if that's too 'obvious' for your taste)
  • thank you. yes I played parts in using midi, and yes , the drums need some work!
  • my memory is returning........ the bass and drums were worked on together,the drums are a song/tempo guide.more fills,variations and breaks are needed to complete the song. even at 32TPB, I had difficulty syncing the drum and bass,it works,but the natural shuffle and swing of the bass part makes ,for very detailed drum programing . the drum sounds slightly quantized,compared with the other song parts, which have a natural/live/musician feel. when I feel like doing a lot of pattern editing, I will return to this project! If someone wants to try and re-work the drum, please do! post your remix here!