Phatican City (2011)

Release date
Drum & Bass
The kind of D'n'B your church approves of, sanctioned by the Pope of Phatness. Choirs, bass, drums and other nonsense.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
5.9 MB
Downloaded / played
1070 times
9 times
9.5 (6 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial (by-nc)

See also
Latest drum & bass tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Ouch! I'm always impressed by the phatness of your sound and the creativity of your work. Totaly crazy and dirty but so clear in the same time

    Amazing use of the samples. Can you tell us a bit how did you proceed ? What did you use ? 10 from me!!

  • @magmavander: Thanks! This track started off as a way to practice making Kontakt instruments by assembling a drumkit. Lots of drum hits and velocity layers later, it started becoming a real track.

    The bassline is around 12 instances of NI Massive - a different one for each sound. The choir is Tonehammer's Requiem library. The big percussion sounds are from Heavyocity's Evolve library.

    The two talking samples are me, just winging it because it seemed like there should be something in those sections of the track. :P
  • Damn good!
  • Really, really good! I like the bass, the buttery biscuit bass (just watched Swede Mason on YouTube so can't resist - nothing to do with this tune, but can't reference it in normal conversation)... ANYway, back to your fantastic tune: sounds like you've taken a lot of care and attention to detail in your piece - not a 4am job, for sure! One of the best, if not the best, dnb tune on Buzztunes. 10.
  • Not only great trax by you, but also great titles to your trax! Yeah
  • BHS
    Holy shits !!
    Hamst3r , you are incredible.
    What do you think about calling Michael Bay and ask if he is thinking for a next episode of "Transformer" and if he wants a really strong soundtrack for the final fight between "Decepticons" and "Autobot" ??
    My compliments.
    You are using expensive plugin (NI Komplete $559) but the results are great (should be made efforts to sounding bad with all this good things !!)

    Compliments, as always.
  • Everything Hamst3r touches turns to Gold. I might add that just because you have lots of expensive Vsti and sample libraries doesn't make you good or bad.  You can have just about nothing and still make awesome music and you can also make crap with lots of expensive toys.   Hamster has Big MASSIVE awesome tools to use and he wields them like a Samurai Master!   Give a Samurai a 300 yr old sword and he will still chop you up into little sushi.  Give a Samurai a cheap one and he will still make sushi out of you.  
  • Woohoo my compliments!!
  • Admit it, you're actually Spor in disguise.