Papu's hihat

Release date
Recently I've tried to put some underwater-feeling into my beats.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.5 MB
Downloaded / played
629 times
10 times
9 (2 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest minimalism tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Lizard
    you put a smile on my face! Cool funky tune. Near to a 10! One question: who is Papu?
  • Papu is one my two cats. Papu is teh one who's constantly jumping on my midikeyboard, while I'm trying to create something Thank you for your words!
  • Lizard
    I also really like cats. Unfortunately I have none - we'll see maybe in the future. Ahh, now I notice your cat on your back in your avatar =)
  • DaRiteFerenc
    Yeehaw, great track! Thanks for sharing with us...
  • ionisaattor
    Me so happy! Thank you
  • mag
    Cool song. I can feel the underwater feeling I liked the clean bass, present but not intrusive. I enjoyed this one a lot Thanks!!
  • thusen tack magma! Reverb-snorkeling, you gotta love that one. Maybe?
  • Mika. K
    This is so great! Would like to listening this beneath the surface. Good job!
  • Certainly this track has cool and fresh textures. Very enjoyable. I like cats too, and have 2
  • ionisaattor
    Cool & thanks! Cats rules