Friend (new song)

Release date
sometimes it feels like the movies,
and sometimes it feels like a scene,
sometimes it feels like your watching,
and I just want you for my friend.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.6 MB
Downloaded / played
414 times
13 times
9.8 (5 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest chillout tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Does anyone know why I've been banned from Buzz Church?
  • Bhs
    Absolutely cool. Simple but really well done. If you can tell more about gear/stuff used here. Very nice. Paolo bhs.
  • [anonymous]
    Thanks BHS! This one was a lot of fun. all is freeware except Jeskola XS-1, but you can also use sfz for sf2/soundfont files. Spitfish - desser ParisEQ - eq Mellotron Flute Big sf2 for flute Analog Age sf2-comboVibe for vibes Gort's Filters sf2- Vacous pipe Naturally Decaying B-guitars sf2 for bass
  • BHS
    but if you use BUZZ then XS-1 (no the VST version) is freeware. For voice recording what have you used ? (mic type, only sound card or also external gear?) I am interested at those things because I am courious to know how to work with real sound source (voice, guitar, piano, etc..) togheter with BUZZ . Sorry if I am a bit pedant with this type of questions but for me is always very usefull know what other people do for building interesting tracks.
  • I use the Korg Mr-1 field recording device and really like the sound it makes. I tried sound cards, but prefer the Korg unit. It has software to convert the audio from dff to wave files, and the quality is great. I use audacity to cut and paste the audio into the appropriate spot, because it's not a sound card and you have to do this since it offers no syncing capabilities. I made my own condenser microphone. The Effectron II 1024 is placed after the mic going into the Korg Mr-1 unit. It adds only the slightest amount of delay. I barely have the delay mix knob turned at all.
  • Another gem I enjoyed the delicate atmosphere. Great vocal again, with feel. I think that the drums could use another reverb. Maybe they sound a bit too 'far' in the background, and makes me feel like there is a hole in the whole sound. If you use SampleGrid for drums maybe you can use a SGrid Out to use the reverb on the snare only ? About buzzchurch I think there is some problem with mail from gmail or like. Not sure.
    Music is not my "cuppatea", but fine singing this time!
  • BHS
    Jake, I think that working in this way is a bit "complex", but the results are really great. Compliments for the voice and for the microphone. For me is always good to know that somebody reach to build for itself some equipement. Hope to listen other tracks from you.
  • Lizard
    Great song. I'm enjoying it a lot! Very good instrumentalisation, too. ...(if possible put some reverb on the snare)
  • Great suggestion about the snare drum. I'll see if i can figure that out. Thanks for the compliments, guys. I really enjoy the feedback here. It snowed so much in Texas we lost electricity yesterday.
  • Man, is that you singin' here? Abso-bloody-lutely great stuff!! Overall simplistic arrangement, simpe, yet very touching piano part and, of course, amazing vocals. Reminded me a lot of stuff I really dig, like that background synth (early Rick Wright's style), the bass and the drumloops like in U. Schnauss works. In short, that's more than enjoyable. Ten from me Keep up, vey good work.
  • Thanks, Shytan!
  • Tune is totally worthy of my Essential 10 vote. If not just for the pro emotive singing and piano parts.