T-socad (original by thepedal) (remaster)

Release date
anything under 120Hz i put in mono, EQ a dip -6Ddb @ 261Hz (clear mud), 3 band multi compressor (balance the mix), dynamic EQ (EQ sub bass), Limiter
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
13.4 MB
Downloaded / played
79 times
27 times
10 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest caribbean tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • see Description 
  • Hey this sounds really nice! Thanks Nothing I've ever put on here has been mastered outside of just being recorded live from Buzz with a basic set of filters and comps on the final output chain. What did you do this with if I can ask?
  • Sent you a DM on https://forums.jeskola.net/ I hope you can still get into your account on there. Rating this 10/10 for your efforts, not the actual piece
  • see the description for what i did, - the reason i put anything under 120Hz in mono is because bass is non-directional, (or omni-directional as said by Mr. Custodian) it really dose not need to be in stereo, the eq dip at 261Hz is to clean up muddy sound, i all ways do this dip between the bass and the mids - 3 band multi compressor to balance the mix, what i look for in a 3 band multi compressor is a meter for each band (bonus if the meter is in stereo) A good example is ott vst by xfer-records, how i use it, you can see right away if you have too much bass mids or highs, just lower that the band, (you can use a 5 band multi compressor with tons of knobs, but why make it so hard), dynamic EQ on the sub bass (the bass you can't hear) why i use a dynamic EQ is so i don't kill the bass, the Limiter is so i can clip the top to get it louder (i all way clip the top barely and i was always told not to clip, the Limiter let's you) now i don't know if this is the right way to master sound, but this is what came up with. 
  • if you understand this concept, it should take you about 5 to 10 minuets to master your sound  
  • i did read your PM, I can't send PM there. I love your music!
  • Amazing stuff, thanks. I'm always impressed at how you make stuff in lots of different genres that all sounds so tight.
  • all so i forgot to add to this dark art of mastering. - the basic to mastering is just eq and compressor 
  • if you understand that, there is no magic vsti for mastering
  • if you talk to someone who went to school to learn sound mastering, they will all way say no there's more to it then just eq and compressor (bla bla bla this plugin, that plugin more bla bla bla, stereo widen, saturation more bla bla) yeah, but the basic is just eq and a compresor 
  • sounds better. The snare like drum is slightly too instrusiv now (well, on my laptop )
  • this is just a basic ideal of mastering,  i worked on it for about 3 mins, i did talk to Joachip, mute, fbev, mushroom about this basic masting chain, they said it was good. 
  • HerrFornit, that could be fix with dynamic EQ, could use more tweeting, all so bass could use some more EQing. 
  • Ideally I could incorporate all this into a chain in Buzz itself but without using VSTs I think it might be a stretch. Making all low tones mono is probably doable fairly easily but not sure there any really dynamic EQ or comp options as native buzz machines.
  • dynamic eq is not necessary because you have the source file, you can use eq on each track would be better https://www.tokyodawn.net/tdr-nova/ is a nice one, plus you can see hidden sounds with the built-in spectrum analyzer, you can't beat the price too
  • Ok so Joachims Convertor tool has a nice mono bass control and I generally use his Hyperion  for EQ around the track. Can stick one towards the end of the change as well to notch out around 261Hz. I've been using the butterworth filters in Ld Pfilters to remove unwanted subfreqs across synths and drums and then one at the end to remove anything under about 25Hz. Does that sound wise?
  • that notch should be shaped like a upside down bell, its not all ways going to be at 261 Hz, depends on where your bass ends by the mids. 
  • sometime you can add more bass subs depends if you have room for it. still needs to be careful about subs, on large sounds systems it will make feedback. "my" general rule is start 41.5Hz slops down, I have my cut off at 18 Hz 
  • https://ibb.co/zGTKtNb 
  • so if you look at my mastering eq setting there is still sub bass coming in way passed 18Hz  
  • its as low as 10Hz -remember there more to the chain, EQ>3 band muti compressor>dynamic EQ>Limiter , so am going to catch that sub bass at the 3 band muti compressor or dynamic EQ. YOU DON"T WAT TO REMOVE ANYTHING UNDER 25HZ you will kill your bass
  • btw am talking about the mastering EQ  
  • Super helpful again! Thanks.
  • So my next annoying question How much top-top end do you tolerate?  Above 20k Hz what's really just detracting from the rest in your opinion?This is roughly what I've got to now with some EQ->mono-bass->Comp->Limiterhttps://ibb.co/H2qxBXjSomething, a synth mostly I guess is injecting some sound which runs up around 19k by the look of it. Good practice to try to remove above a freq to stop that affecting the mastering?
  • the hi-end i eq ever track by ear. so that would be in the premaster stage. you can move the eq on the high end in mastering stage bit know this, that's where the Air/reverb lives. so when i see the 3 band multi compressor pumping highs, I go back into that track and eq more or just turn down the volume of that track
  • some things to try is a fast release compressor maybe set to -12, so mostly the sound is passing thur and not doing nothing until a sound burst. /just an ideal 
  • Thanks!