
Release date
~ move, don't be afraid. ~

re-upload after applying small changes. feedback of any kind appreciated.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.5 MB
Downloaded / played
356 times
8 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

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  • strong beginning, but then the lead sound melody becomes a bit too confuse imo. snare drum too much "in the beackground"... imo, but maybe this was intenionally. what i like is the feel of a C64 tune. seems to be influenced by that era. the sound remembered me to hubbard etc. .
  • sixafterseven
    I really like the pads you have in the back.
  • jMj
    @hirogenium: I don't really know which part of the melody you're referring to. and regarding the snare: do you mean volume or punch? I have already upped the snare's volume which made the SampleGrid introduce a hearable click. any tips welcome. hubbard is one of my favourite composers of that time, so I take that as a compliment but yes, I like deep basses, arpeggios, staccatos und friends. maybe too much ;^) @6after7: thanks, I like the sweepy one at the beginning even better. thanks for your opinions, guys.
  • jMj
    @hirogenium: the vintage feel may also be due by the fact that the original fragment/theme of the song already has almost a decade on its back.
  • I refer to the part from 1:19 to 1:34. I don't meant the volume or punch of the snare, it just sounds too far away (but volume is ok)... don't know how to say... it's more the reverb of the snare, than itself. yeah, hubbard is not one of my favourite musicians, he IS my favourite .
  • magmavander
    This is really interesting. I dig the kind of mouth harmonica sound, it introduces a very interesting contrast. Great stuff!!
  • mag
    the harmonica sound that appears at 01:52'. You should use it more
  • jMj
    @mag: I'm not sure your whether you were actually referring to this track. nevertheless thanks for your positive feedback.