Cover of Too Far Gone by Tiamat

Release date
Rock & Pop
cover of Too Far Gone from the album Judas Christ from Swedish band Tiamat. Released April 30, 2002. Label Century Media Records. My vocal is more like rant of despair for collab with an actual vocalist but hey, there is no cue of singers knocking on my door and some songs are not full without vocal. Recorded March 2024 some cold morning when I had picked my guitar and shaver and moved away (came back later with a truck for things and furniture). But that was the day and this song tells what I felt that morning. Uncertainty and sadness. But there was literally nothing to stop me and it was time to move on (as said the king of Sparta kicking his wife in the death pit). 
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.8 MB
Downloaded / played
83 times
7 times
9.5 (2 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

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  • you have a nice voice, cool song
  • I think your voice is perfect for this song. 
  • Thanks but I'm a woman
  • Doesn't change my opinion about the voice being perfect for the song 
  •  coś zginęło w tłumaczeniu
  • It was my leg Jenny