Cover of Welcome to my world of Depeche Mode

Release date
Rock & Pop
album Delta Machine released on 22 March 2013 My last version dated 21st January 2022
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
7.3 MB
Downloaded / played
325 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

Remixes based on this track: This track is the remix of:
See also
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  • so lonely he decided to form a choir not really, 3 tracks of vocal : 1 lead, 2 roughly unisono backings left and right. The rest is tweaking pitch correction. When intensity nears 100% and other knobs also very high, vocal goes 1 certain tone no matter what. Now if you copy it on new track and apply pitch shifter you can make it sing whole new melody. Discovered accidently. yeah... 2013. My 39th birthday. I got ticket to Depeche Mode concert in O2 Arena as my birthday present from my lovely workmates. This song went first, it hit me hard. I thought : this is it, I'm definitely going bye bye my youth. Welcome to my world of ageing, pain and disappointment. It was way long long later I've listened a radio interview with the actual author of this song Martin Gore, where he explained that it's about his world now as grownup man, calm without tranquilisers, drug free, collected, able to enjoy life.This song is important for me. It marks those days, made me remember all those moments, smell of air, guys they've come to the concert from Jersey and Switzerland, Nigerian taxi driver. That's why I played, recorded, edited this bit that long. May 2021 - January 2022. 12 or 13 versions, this is however the last one, marked 21-01-22. Then I gave up, failed, I didn't like any of my versions. 1 week later I was positively tested for Omicron Corona. Then I took some other tunes.