Unhappy humanoidal beasts nicked me sedes

Release date
Hip Hop
feat. Agni of Byfleet & 8mm
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.9 MB
Downloaded / played
69 times
15 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest hip hop tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Admin , if you delete my song, give reasons .
  • Admin
    Reason: the title of the track. Russians stealing toilets? How would you describe that?
  • I'd describe that low, shitty, despicable. Stealing toilets from abandoned houses or in general stealing is however what Ruzzians do in everyday basis.
  • *on
  • Admin
    I understand a little Polish. If you choose to believe in Ukrainian propaganda bullshit, that's your right. If you wish to make a political statement this way, go ahead, but please so it elsewhere. And it's not because I myself am Russian and find this kind of shit inappropriate and offensive. It's just too damn lame. It's low, man.
  • I'm sorry. I had no intention to mix up with politics. Just wanted to offend Russian pseudo army .
  • Admin
    Will you remove this crap yourself? Or should I?
  • Admin
    No politics on BuzzTunes please.
  • fuck you
  • oddawaj sedes jebany kacapie
  • Admin
    So, now we're getting personal. As they say, if you have nothing to respond, you always can offend you opponent. Very nice. Good health to you too, Kalder. You're a great musician, but behave like a very crappy person.
  • propaganda uh? see yourself, a toilethttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WcjxJwz_-kc&pp=ygUYcnVzc2lhbnMgc3RlYWxpbmcgdG9pbGV0a washing machinehttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jopzkL3BVps&pp=ygUYcnVzc2lhbnMgc3RlYWxpbmcgdG9pbGV0do you like it?
  • I'm not here to debate. Especially with people who, having reached a certain age, still have not learned how to behave in public, speaking of "jebany kacap" etc.
  • don't delete my songDELETE MY WHOLE ACCOUNTI fuckin dare you
  • Admin
    No, I will not do that. But you are not welcome here any longer. Have a good day.