
Registration date
Real name
Dark Orange Terror Turbo Rabbit
buzz, audacity and el.guitar, 2014-on macbook and novation keyboard, 2021-on iRig and iPhone
jesse.kalder@gmail.com I ain't that poor rabbit that smacked his ball sack against some tree during a frantic runaway from danger. I AM DANGER. I smack my balls against everything just to be scary. It was me who torn to pieces a snake, well garden hose but if it's moving rapidly and hose is when you open water suddenly, I mean it's flapping - that's enough to start me up.
Latest uploads by kalder
Uploaded tracks: 49 | Posted comments: 56 | Registered votes: 10
Uploads: 49 | Comments: 56 | Votes: 10

Music by kalder

  • 2012-01-29
    Rejoin by kalder 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.7 MB]
    [rating: 8.5/2] [comment: 1] [hits: 827]

    4.7 MB

    [rating: 8.5/2] [comment: 1] [hits: 827]
  • 2011-11-26
    Fog Over Hayes Bypass by kalder 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.2 MB]
    [rating: 8/2] [hits: 740]

    4.2 MB

    [rating: 8/2] [hits: 740]
  • 2010-11-25
    Bruk (Cobble) by kalder 
    [Metal] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.4 MB]
    [rating: 9/1] [comments: 2] [hits: 913]

    4.4 MB

    [rating: 9/1] [comments: 2] [hits: 913]
  • 2010-09-16
    Two cars on a cycle path by kalder 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.4 MB]
    [rating: 9.5/4] [comments: 7] [hits: 1165]

    4.4 MB

    [rating: 9.5/4] [comments: 7] [hits: 1165]
  • 2010-06-01
    A Stormy Day 2 by kalder 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.0 MB]
    [comment: 1] [hits: 706]

    4.0 MB

    [comment: 1] [hits: 706]
  • 2009-09-10
    When you know that summer's over by kalder 
    [Bossa Nova] [OGG/MP3]
    [2.9 MB]
    [rating: 10/1] [comments: 10] [hits: 1233]

    2.9 MB

    [rating: 10/1] [comments: 10] [hits: 1233]
  • 2009-06-05
    VariaC by kalder 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [3.4 MB]
    [rating: 9/4] [comments: 7] [hits: 966]

    3.4 MB

    [rating: 9/4] [comments: 7] [hits: 966]
  • 2009-03-28
    A stormy day +guitar by kalder 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [3.7 MB]
    [rating: 8/1] [comments: 3] [hits: 630]

    3.7 MB

    [rating: 8/1] [comments: 3] [hits: 630]
  • 2008-12-25
    A stormy day by kalder 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [3.7 MB]
    [comment: 1] [hits: 613]

    3.7 MB

    [comment: 1] [hits: 613]