Who else but he

Release date
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
3.9 MB
Downloaded / played
1630 times
18 times
9.2 (5 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

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See also
Latest ambient tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Man, that's some great electro stuff. Not sure about "ambient" definition, but with all its simplicity, it really caught my attention. Listening over and over.. Thanks, got 9 from me here.
  • [anonymous]
  • Nice to see You here Liga Grate work!
  • serg
    Nice track. Thank dog buzz community is not man-only.
  • Lover Man
    LigaM ...a man ? O_o
  • Thanks a lot for coments Yes buzz community is not man-only ))
  • [anonymous]
    if I would be allowed to vote, as an anonymous , I would give your track a 9 too (and your avatar-picture - as it is at the moment - a 10 )
  • [anonymous]
    yeah you are so cute baby !
  • Jesus Christ! Sorry.. So stupid of me, I didn't see the avatar, got pics disabled on my browser at the time I was writing the comment. I do owe you an apology.
  • flos
    Ah, girls... they move stars and comments on buzzmusic! Yep, there should be many more talented girls here
  • Ещё раз примите мои искренние извинения. PS. К слову, классная фотка
  • Sixafterseven
    Too much resonance for my taste on the main synth but I like the incorporation of the ambient sounds and glitchy electro styles.
  • Excellent atmospheric track, lovable pad and great dubsteppy/glitch rhythm. Essential... A big nine for me.
  • mort
    I'd say that, in the U.S. anyway, it is not all that uncommon for someone to say what Shytan said when talking to a female. "Man!" is treated the same as "Wow!" or "Dang!" (/me shuts up with the linguistics lecture now) Cool tune.
  • With all one's heart thanks for interesting coments!!! Ok, Shytan!!! Excuse accepted!!!
  • Lizard
    Cool track. Those pads sound awesome and the drums fit just perfect!
  • Hey, welcome here new buzzer Great track, cool pad and tight drums. I'd like a bit more bass in the kick, to make the song fuller but as always it's a matter of taste Anyway it's very well done and enjoyable. Somehow it reminds me jennyrave, mainly the drums. There must be a girl buzz fu I guess