
Release date
Classical Romantic
Again a composition I have done on the piano. It's kind of romantic - but I hadn't special feelings ... Unfortunately I had just one try to record it... so here and there are some mistakes and at one part (at 1:57) my improvisation is preety bad ... it sounds too chinese .... anyway I like it very much
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.8 MB
Downloaded / played
716 times
7 times
8.5 (4 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest classical romantic tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • vaisnava
    i wish i could play the piano like this... good work man.
  • vaisnava
    BTW, funny thing i noticed is that you ended this on the same notes are "trip into wonderland" :P
  • beekeeper
    Sometimes i like when piano! I allways like when romantic (because that means the person is capable to feel something good!)! i like when living playing! wery well Lizard.
  • BHS
    Great Lizard ! You are the "Giovanni Allevi" of BuzzMusic. You Create in me a certain envy, because I also studied for some years the piano and these your songs make me be a strong desire to tune well my upright piano and recover some tools that I have at home (microphones, mixers etc. ..), in order to perform a live recording. Bravo.
  • Yep! Another great pianoforte classical "hammer" by lizard. BHS is right with his final comment! This time you show that you improved a lot since your last loaded performance here. You can play the pianoforte indeed. Well done! Next time please don't mention the "mistakes", because they are (almost) invisible
  • Admin
    Great one, Matthias.
  • Thank you very very much I'm really happy that you like my piano pieces so much! @buzztler: I recorded it at the same day as "When someone leaves you" (Which should acutally be called "it never began" , cause thats biographically right - but too late now...). So I actually didnt improve my playing...