Iluminación (original by lizard)

Release date
[The Ogg, for those who have problems with the bmx]

Pure trance. The beginning is pretty hard and very progressive. Later it turns pretty melodic.

Sparschäler helped me with this one. He sent me one of his tracks and I tried out a little melody which I really liked and so I succeeded on working.

The pad_phil, the main-lead-synths, and inf_stabs are made by him. And he also inspired me for this bassline.
The rest is by myself.

Have fun with this PURE buzz-track Unfortunately I'm not able to upload tracks on my Homepage, but here you can find a 224 mp3.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.9 MB
Downloaded / played
1420 times
14 times
9.7 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest trance tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • BHS
    Great Lizard and also to Sparschaler. A must to have and to study (the BMX) for all the lovers of Trance genre.
  • BHS
    Sorry, but the link to hi quality mp3 don't work. If you can, try to rename the file, on getdropbox site, without space and special charathers like "ö" "à" "ç"and similiar. Ciao.
  • Oh I just realized, that it's still not uploaded. I am wondering why it's so slow (1.5 kb/s). ...hey but now it's faster: 5 minutes left. So check it out in 10 minutes
  • mag
    Wow! This is punchy! Excellent song. The rythmic is excellent . The break is superb. I liked a bit less the plucked string just before it. HH and CH are a bit bright. Thanks!
  • BHS
    Ok. I get the Mp3 in hi quality. Really impressive. At 03:10, when begin the very calm part, there are some annoying click , here and there, very little thing, but they are a bit much in evidence because this part is really so evocative and those "click" are not nice. Anyway, dear fellows of BUZZ, this is a massive demonstration of what buzz with native generators and effects can do (and with also a good assortment of drum audio samples). My compliments, really.
  • For some reason the bmx version plays the bd mtracker wierd. Sounds like it's galloping. I figured you didn't program it that way so I checked the ogg and sure enough I've got a glitch somewhere.
  • Lizard
    Thank you, you both! Oh it's good that you mention this. With my earplugs, Equalizing is a little difficult. About the clicks: they are induced by the pad - or more exact by putting the off with "off" and then putting them in again. You can prevent this by deleting the "offs" (for the pad and pad_lp) and manipulating the pattern "10->17" by turning the the cutoff down to zero. I understand your problems with the plucks in the beginning, but find them cool as they are
  • Lizard
    @zaph: (we where writing at the same time): strange... but you don't mean the "tom"-column, don't you?
  • Sixafterseven
    This piece has some nice suspense and reminds me of something I would hear toward the end of a DJ set at a club. It has some nice powerful moments which contrast nice with the ending of the song.
  • Respect! Great setup, solid sounding, sounds pretty remixable too The 03:09 part is awesome! I'll take a look at the source definitely!
  • Lizard
    Thanks alot! I'd like to listen a remix of you
  • buzztler
    sounds very good, even at the very low bitrate
  • Xaphoid
    are you still composing with old buzz or new? to answer your question it is the mtracker with the wayfinder kick that is going crazy. It's something with the retrig or something. I replaced the mtrack with utrack which is my fav to use and the song is fixed for me anyway.
  • Lizard
    For this track I am still using the old buzz. I have just recently switched to the new buzz.