500kb BMW Contest - Tingabass

Release date
Acid Jazz
Great upbass preset for Qsamo made by tinga. New song.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
5.8 MB
Downloaded / played
1123 times
12 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest acid jazz tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • yes, laidback mood with jazzy bass and psychopad. i somehow hear charles mingus talking here with a deep voice. (p.s.: freebase missing here, too)
  • Maybe I should upload a zip with all rare machines used in my bmx ?
  • I used here the same freebase version than in Psyqsamo. 
    Oh, and thanks for the imaginative description
  • Cool tune mag, thx to notice for my presets, Qsamo is an enormous machine, and for me the best synth bass, we have all the quality of bass we want, warm, agressive, smooth, infra, and so.
    Very nice harmo.
  • Great pads !! I'm discovering freebase right now, but where are the patterns ??
    Tried ctrl-Q, patternxp, pianoroll, built in. But no nothing ...
  • thanks all!! 
    I forget to say that the different drum's sounds are all stored in the ERS Kick patterns, this is very useful and possible with PatternXP great column idea  
    Now we can make a drum pattern with a lot of different drum machines (but zephod drum HT-700 cant be used in PXP). That's why now I use more machines like ERS Drums.
  • ah, I didn't think about that.

    Ht-700 drums seem to work correctly together with patternxp here btw.. also via peer ctrl it works inside patternxp

    I made a few presets for Mad's D500 btw. And if you use several instances of the D500, and trigger them with IX split, you can tick-delay notes and the volumechanges are sticky (D500 has unsticky volumechanges and they have an uncomfortable curve, btw)

    The nice thing about D500 is that you can make a lot of sounds by crossfading, by setting the attack and decay values right.

    It's a lot of work to make the presets for D500, but pattern xp lets us copy/paste from the 4 channels it has. Also you can make a bmx with patterns that mute other tracks, or patterns that show where a parameter is just to be able to easily copy/paste.

    A lot of drumsounds can be perfectly controlled that way.
    I think I'll make a template oslt.
  • I like a lot D500 too, I like its sound even or because it's lofi

    About ht-700, what happens is that if I add an ers kick, for example, and that in the pattern view of ers kick (in PatternXP mode)  I want to add a ht-700 columns, I have access only to one trigger in ht-700, the kick.
    To add only bongos for example, I didnt find the way.

    Of course if you add a ht-700, the pattern in PatternXP will be complete but here again I cant choose which sound will be visible/invisible. 

    I suppose that it's a particularity of this machine. That's why I dont use it to create a complex drumset with PXP columns. 

    But maybe there's a trick ?
  • Add ers kick + peer ctrl + ht-700 in machine view.
    Add like 10, or so, tracks for peer ctrl in it's own pattern view.
    Add peer ctrl "value" to ers kick in pattern xp.
    Rightclick peer ctrl to assign it's first track to the track of ht-700 that you need (bongos for example) and add more tracks you want to use.
    You can assign both the trigger and the volume to one track to control
    both with the same pattern column.
    In pattern xp then you add as many tracks to the peer ctrl as you have used to assign to instruments of the ht-700 (the ones that you want to use).
    You can also add a track to control a panning column of the ht-700.
    So in pattern xp you can have the ers kick and the ht-700 snare + hihat + panning for the hihat, for example, in 3 four-digit columns.

    If you're controlling the 7th track of ht-700 you can use value 8007, to make the 7 make you remember that you are controlling the 7th track (just a tip).

    My own question is though: Why does the value of peer ctrl value always have to change to take effect ?? I mean: When I use 2 beats in a peer ctrl column that is repeated, the values need to be 4001 and 4000 or 5001 and 5000 for example, because if I use 4000 and 4000 to trigger 2 beats it doesn't work.

  • Yeah cool  
    I dont think enough to peer machine's solution. Thanks for the tutorial and tips, I understand it clearly. 

    This contest was really fine with sharing a lot of buzz knoweldge  
    About your peer problem, I cant help you sorry.

    I have also a problem with some machines that start with the default preset before playing the one you choosed/created. You have a very good example in my '500kb BMW Contest - Driving a bmw', the bassline's first note sounds different of the preset I use. You can hear it also in the mp3. 
    Whatever I have tried : a pattern with the preset written in it and put before the start of the bass in sequencer, a note off, etc, it didnt work.
    This happens often, many times with pads. 

    Or maybe it's an attack problem ?
    If someone have a solution...
  • easiest solution in your "driving a bmw" track would be to let the platinumfish play a note while this sound is not audible (before the start of it):

    (very much überdetailed explanation
    Add another pattern 00 of the platinumfish 64 ticks before it should play and cut it of with a break ","after 16 ticks. So it plays only the first note.
    Add a track in the sequencer for the hyperion and there you add a mute "-" before the platinumfish starts playing, and then you add a break "," after the inaudible note of platinumfish has stopped producing sound. The break enables soundoutput again.

    An other solution would be to make a pattern in the "build in" pattern editor for the hyperion, and there in the leftmost column you can set the amp: value 0001 would produce -84db sound, so that is pretty much inaudible, and then you put value 4000 after the platinumfish has stopped playing. This would sometimes work better for old buzz 1.2

    or use an amp like cheapo amp to bring the level down to -95.9 db which is quiet enough to keep cd-quality

    A bit silly solution would be to route all audio (all the first patterns of the machines) to cng recorder in order to make a useless recording.
    After that restore normal routing like you originally made the track.
    Because cng recorder acts as a sort of master so buzz will not mute the machines then. A bit silly but it might be a solution in rare cases, don't know if it will ever be needed especially in the newer buzz versions.
  • Thanks vacuum. I will try your trick and let you know how it works