Are You There (buzzbeachmiX-mp3)

Release date
Art Song
A friend called buzzbeach (but not a buzzer) recitates a poem (called "Remember" by Christinea Rossetti) over one of my music. As I like a lot poetry and talk over, this was a gift for me I hope you'll enjoy it even if it sounds not very much electronic (but it is coz done with buzz he he he...)
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
1.9 MB
Downloaded / played
1056 times
13 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

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  • nool
    the track was already really cool - very nice instrumentation, the lyrics are quite beautiful and add a nice layer of depth seems there is some static on the lyrics though, hope to see this finished magma ! good verk
  • magmavander
    Thanks noolybooly Yeah, there is static coz the guy (buzzbeach) does that very quickly. I dont know what he uses to record his vocal... I have another poem read by him and I will rewrite a new music on it. I like so much poetry and talkover.
  • Shytan
    WAh! I am impressed! What did you use for pads, man? Very warm and relaxing music. The poetry in the background fits in perfectly. A harp-like sound also fits the picture. The violin... hmm.. I would say one can distinctively hear it is sampled. But nonetheless it does not spoil another very good track of yours.
  • magmavander
    Salut Shytan :o) The string pad is made with SampleTank freeware and the bank used is "Staccato strings Orch". The choirs are a soundfont, same for the solo violin and the harp. The guy (buzzbeach) made some fantastic songs using the same idea (music+poem). But in this song he used some more "actual" music. I encourage you strongly to listen to his fantastic song called "Deja vu". It uses a more "modern touch" for the background music but it's very impressive, even if it's done with loop samples (that he treated a lot - and he plyed the sax, a soundfont, with keyboard). Ciao Shytan
  • vacuum
    My aunt died 4 days ago. Today was her funeral. So I get emotional when I hear this: 'Remember me...'. I only understand half of the words. Spoken very well. I already knew the music. Thanks, it's very warm...
  • magmavander
    I'm really sorry for you vacuum, sincerely...
  • autumn_addict
    Everyone can get emotional with this one. When the reality of death sets in and you realize that you re just waiting in line to die. I have that feeling every day. I think the one thing we all want in life is to be remembered... maybe
  • nool
    fear of death is one thing that holds back ours species developement in my opinion, just think how much waste, greed, exasperation it creates .... but yea sorry to hear vacuum, i wish you all the best in this downtime ....
  • magmavander
    Now I realize the coincidence... I have listened more carefuly to the words of the poetry and they are just like if vacuum's aunt wanted to speak to him through the song. Another coincidence, the title of this song was choosen before we put poetry on it. -Are you there- It's like vacuum was asking that to his aunt where is she. And she answers... I just hope this doesnt make you more sad vacuum coz it's a very nostlagic song.
  • vacuum
    Thanks for the comments. Sorry that I seem to have highjacked your upload, MV. Buzz is more then just music I'm happy to read all this. I want to say a few more things (to you). *Coincidence*: 'Just your imagination' people may think. I think imagination is exactly what makes humans godlike. More things happened (like this poetry)... and my aunt seems to be more alive than she ever was before she died. I think her message would be 'Just Enjoy Life' (like she enjoyed her life) and she said: 'Start the day with a dance, start the day with a smile, and you'll be happy the rest of the day'. I am sorry for her husband/brother/sisters and everyone else who knew her very well. But... we have the 'imagination' and why should we limit ourselves: Can we speak to the dead (like they were alive)? Why not? Just don't think about any abnormal things to happen!!! It is a piece of cake. Like it was always there, but you didn't realise it. And then it seems to be gone... (seems!) I know maybe it isn't simple as this, but I try... Today people are very materialistic and want to feed their ego. The goals are high and they reach a limit, so the hunger to realise gets bigger than ever and finally, when death comes into their lives, they find satisfaction in spiritual believings... GOD. It's like it has always has been: go for it and finally the only goal left is god. In the past people were killed in the name of god. Today we are individuals who know killing is bad. We are individuals and at the same time the world tries to unite as one (worldpeace). It's because we have become individuals who start realising. It's a start... and if we fail we'll start all over again, because we believe in ourselves... And yes, if you don't die succesfully, you'll have to face the same principles in your next life again. What is a succes?... it's up to you to take responsability... I don't believe people ever die. Living many lives is as writing many chapters of a book. You can look them up, even right now, but it seems more important to live your live as it is right now, without looking back to previous lives. I read many spiritual books 15 years ago. I can go on like this for hours, but I have to go on with normal life. (as abnormal as it always is) Don't just believe in god. Say: 'I am god'. Like: 'I am part of reality'
  • vacuum
    errm... Sorry for this. While drinking a few beers this thought-improvisation drifted away from reality a little bit too much. I'm just a dreamer, not very devoted to god usually. I just wanted to share a few interresting thoughts which kinda got out of hand
  • magmavander
    Never be sorry for what you feel or think... And I found your text very interesting. I understand better your music now. <> Not at all, you give the song a kind of higher spiritual mood.
  • magmavander
    - Sorry that I seem to have highjacked your upload, MV - That why I wanted to put between the <> in the comment before. - Buzz is more then just music - Yes, Buzz is Art.