Do You Voodoo (mp3)

Release date
Something new I'm working on. It's a short snippet at the moment. A mix of buzz machines, soundfont and VSTi. The first sound is a PercFM filtered a lot, with different presets of a WahMan Pro applied to it, the wah sound that appears with the drums is padsyn, the drums are made with the new SampleGrid 2.0 beta, the triangle perc is a soundfont used with Rout Soundfont loader, the uh-uh sound was made with Stomper (freeware) and exported as wav (in fact it's just one "uh") and then played and programmed with Matilde and through some Fx, Lepidopterist in particular to make it more "groovy". The synth bassline is the TriangleII VSTi (free) and the pad at the end is made with the free Sonik Synth 2.0 VSTi.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.3 MB
Downloaded / played
1063 times
6 times
9 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
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  • Shytan
    Salut, Magma. Je reconnais ce fameux PercFM La percussion est réellement bien faite! Ce morceau, combien pèse-t-il? Je le demande car j'y voudrais jeter un coup d'oeuil Y a longtemps qu'on n'a pas jammé ensemble.
  • magmavander
    ThanXXX Shytan. Check your email
  • thOke
    hi MV ... You´re really improving your drums. now you seem to split the rhythm into a basic groove and a percussive part in the background (where all the variations are happening) instead of doing all the stuff with bassdrum and snare. Much better - imo
  • crassoverload
    Yo this is neat! Mastering is top notch, especially the bass and kick. I wouldn't go back into the wah lead thing at the 50 second mark, I would come straight in with the chords personally, so the whole intro keeps building. You could easily drop a house or break beat on this and it would own.
  • magmavander
    Thanks guys I am happy now, I begin to produce a better sound and drums are less a nightmare to me. Better, now writting drums part is a pleasure :oD BTW : I made a mistake in my description : I use two different "uh" sounds, not one.
  • nool
    really cool stuff mv, this is a very clear mix