- Release date
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- Genre
- Ambient
- Description
- Digging deeper in generative peer music. Piano and strings are auto generated with peer lfo and peerscale. The soprano sax soundfont (in Jeskola XS-1) is played live with Relativion and my computer keyboard. The movie samples came from the movie "The element of crime" from Lars Von Triers. You can watch the movie in 6 parts at Dailymotion. First part is here : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6fv5n_the-element-of-crime-1-6_shortfilms
It's very raw, I just used some reverb.
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 7.6 MB
- Downloaded / played
691 times
- Commented
5 times
- Rating
(4 votes)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)
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Ah yes, I see, I forgot this. Well, this have always been like that.
I mean, is Georges Orwell responsible of all dictatorships in the world because of his book 1984? Are artists responsible of how their fan react to their work ?
Not so long time ago some said that rock music makes listener becomes bad people, that video games are at the origin of the Columbine tragedy, that rappers encourage murdering, etc.
I dont think von triers is responsible of anything in this terrible tragedy. Same for the directors of 300 and Gladiator the two other movies this mad man said he liked a lot.
I think this madness and evil was in him, no matter what music, video games or film he liked. He liked it because he was like that. Not the opposite. He didnt becomes like that because he liked these stuff.