I become death - mp3
- Release date
- 2013-03-02
- Author
- magmavander
- Genre
- Big Beat
- Description
- audio
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 4.7 MB
- Downloaded / played
- 1738 times
- Commented
- 3 times
- Rating
- 10 (1 vote)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd) - Collaboration
- This track is the remix of:
- See also
- Latest big beat tracks on BuzzTunes:
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Einstein said that it would be silly to try to boil water with nuclear stuff. And we still did. Now they say the powerplants are safe (like they always did) but what will earth look like if every 25 years an accident happens the scale of Chernobyl or Fukushima (which was even 10 times worse then Chernobyl).
Some time ago I read that they wanted to build another powerplant in Holland because otherwise a company would get into debt oslt. Even though we don't need one... It's all about the money, and you can make more money by destroying things.
Where the banks go, is where the wars are gonna be... And in fact it's just a logical consequence if society is based on debt, and then you can only wait till people realise that it doesn't work.