I have seen it 03 - mp3

Release date
Just extended a bit this song and tried some ideas. In this version I removed the vocals
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
3.8 MB
Downloaded / played
1570 times
4 times
8.7 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest laidback tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Hi magmavander. Very good ideas here. Guitar recorded good as well. I like ending very much. However, 'I have seen' the other direction of this tune. I would like to jam my guitar in it. Any chances to have a bare-bones bmx (without guitar samples of course and if there are no exotic vst used). Hey, pal, you are very good on guitar, btw!
  • Hi serg, thanks! Very glad you liked it Well I'd like to play guitar as well as in the song but it's the Polac Loader with the free vst 'SuperRiffGuitar' You can find it at kvraudio.com. I used some 'big' stuff so I have to tweak a bit the bmx, but no problem I'll send it to you.
  • the guitar here sounds good... but dont think thats really fit at the beginning, mean the first tunes, with the vocalPad sounds very nise... but where are the vocals?
  • Is this the SuperRiffGuitar? It isn't very extended but it sounds nice. My electric Buzz guitars are: DVS Guitar and SuperRiffGuitar. I like DVS Guitar more.