Magoldies - They Kill the books (Lord Wallace Mix)

Release date
Acid Jazz

They kill the books, they took the paper, they print money on it.

Superb's Lord Wallace ePiano improvisation.

I should polish it one day...

Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.6 MB
Downloaded / played
978 times
6 times
9.6 (5 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

See also
Latest acid jazz tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • absolutely amazing! i would love to see the bmx of this. totally blew me away! you will always be my favorite buzz composer! (^_^)/
  • Very saturated sounding created here! Absolutely wAnderful . These epiano get high. Well done.10
  • Recognizable theme plus fine arrangement equals a song that never tires.
  • Thanks people
    @szaszhareen: I will check the bmx coz if I remember well it uses 2 soundfonts (the flute and the acc.bass), maybe another one, two vst, the piano and a fender rhodes like. It's all freeware stuff anyway. And the ePiano solo sample is a little big. I will try to to see if it's possible to send it to you, it will be too big for here
  • You are a ninja.
  • BHS
    Wonderfull sound and atmosphere. Your drums part are so good !!
    Nice, really nice.
    Maybe in some points on the piano part (no the solo e-piano part),  there are  too much notes all togheter, but this is only a personal taste.
    Great work  and very good the combination with vocal and the e-piano solo.