Somewhere in the cloud classical mix - mp3

Release date
Classical Modern
I tried to make a classical remix of my song 'Somewhere in the clouds' and while working on it I heard the anchormejans poem called 'reverie' and decided to include it in the new mix.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.8 MB
Downloaded / played
1469 times
7 times
10 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
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  • First to download! I really like the mellow mood. Everything fits amazingly well together. The melancholy vocal track, along with a somewhat hip-retro feel to the string and wind melodies, make this track nice to sit back and immerse ones self in a world of poetic imagery.
  • sounds great for me its an intro to a mystery RPG great
  • Tom
    It's really good. The original "Clouds" had more varied textures in it, if that makes sense—at some points this sounds like a little more going on would make it brilliant. In any case, it's a bold remix, thumbs up
  • Thanks! Dreaming is my favourite activity (that's probably why I wont never be rich, but who cares). Tom, I see your point about textures. Maybe I will work more on it but as a pure instrumental music, witout the vocal.
  • Buzztler
    Not bad at all, but I prefer "Lisa" ...
  • Lizard
  • It works great, I agree; the poem and the melancholy. Nice inclusion of winds too.