T is back

Release date
Quick made song. I made it yesterday evening. Just added the wah ePiano this evening. Needs variations and work The song is also a tribute to a great Buzzer. Guess who ? btw : I used PatternXP to create the drums but as a certain Mister T use old buzz I had to rewrite the drums lines in each machine separately. A bit teddious. PXP is a great machine. And Jeskola Bass3 an awesome synth!
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
1.0 MB
Downloaded / played
980 times
9 times
9 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

Remixes based on this track:
See also
Latest house tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Woohoo ... thanks for this fine piece of disco house. i am a little ashamed about so much appreciation, but enjoy the very well made voice with the funny pronunciation of my nick ... cool mix and driving beat !! thx a lot !!! btw ... i can use the 'New Buzz' up to Build 1185 ... then the non_sse2_version was dropped. i don't know, if your version with patternxp would have run here ... so also thx for that tedious transformation.
  • he, he, I never knew how to pronounce your nick so... We had a discuss here not long time ago about all good friends that leaves the scene so it was a great surprise to see you back Rewriting drums was a bit teddious but fortunately the drum patterns were very simple.
  • btw : about skizodisko therapy mix, as I use new buzz and that the old dont work (there is a way to make it works again but I am lazy) the peerscale you used doesnt work in new buzz. I have replaced it by the new one for newbuzz and I'm still adding a very, very few notes to your mix. It's hard coz your version is so complete...
  • is there really a peerscale version for new buzz ? i know that peerchord, peerlfo, peerctrl & pal have been fixed for the new buzz, but couln't find a new peerscale (the latest version i know about is btdsys_pscale_060710) ... i am running old and new buzz in the same folder and use a .bat file on startup to rename and load the appropriate dlls.
  • mag
    you're absolutely right. There is no peerscale for new buzz :/ I think it's just that I used an older version of peerscale... I'm so bad in technical stuff
  • yay th0ke back
  • peekaboo
  • sixafterseven
    T is back! I was patiently waiting th0ke there were rumors that you were producing for sony or something and were going to take revenge on everything buzz. No not really. But we were starting to wonder if we would ever see again or if you were destined for another chapter in the buzz scene as a legend. Way to use suspense to your advantage!
  • oh these were the good old days