The GreenMilk Trio02 - mp3

Release date
Minor changes and adds
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.0 MB
Downloaded / played
1341 times
7 times
9.7 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

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  • raganaus
    nice. maybe just beat is to loud.
  • Oh, yeah! That's one of the reasons, why I wanted to be a buzzer. What a damn chillin' jazzy mood. Very good work! Jus' a question 'bout the trumpet, is it a sf, buzz or vst machine? Perhaps you can optimize it just a little bit, than the track would be absolutely perfect ... .
  • Thanks! I didnt limited it so maybe it's a bit loud. The trumpet is a sf, quite crapy I must say. But it's very difficult to find a good and free trumpet emulator, sf or vst. One of the most difficult instrument to simulate, same for brass in general. I am waiting to recover my previous hardrive with all my soundfont collection in which I should find a better one I used Jeskola XS-1, the super pro soundfont loader from oskari himself. Free for all buzzers
  • Very good rhythm, really reminds me of some Akufen's works, sounds fresh, the vibraphone-style sound kicks ass and the overall track too... 10.
  • now it has a little japanese touch - nice.
  • Cool adds ! I hope you will recover your old H.D with a super trumpet ! *crossing finger*
  • Super-sympa! Especially the whistling portamento synth.