The Long Way (mp3)

Release date
Bossa Nova
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
3.0 MB
Downloaded / played
1045 times
7 times
8 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest bossa nova tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • KoDream
    magmavander, another excellent piece I liked "Sensation" and "The Man Behind the Door" as well, are you or have you thought about working on an album?
  • magmavander
    Thanks a lot Ko I appreciate your comment, it's helpful. I admit that the idea of an album is growing slowly, slowly... Merci, merci, merci...
  • KoDream
    With synthesizers it seems like it would be really difficult to make an entire album, because by the time it was finished three or four new developments in music might come about, which change the way music is created/perceived... So often I find myself anticipating that next new sound
  • Shytan
    Long Way... Long time no see, man Another tasty piece of music from the coasts of Mediterranian see . Just the way I like it - upright bass and epiano.
  • faces
    smooth, beautifull and ABRUPT as always. with so much material you could release 5 albums by now
  • nool
    magma - very nice tune !! very smooth, i have a small suggestion ... on the keyboard sound depending on which delay you use ... try to cut out the lower part of it, i think it will help clear up the sound more ... on hd combo there is a nice lp/hp cutoff .. the melodies are very good and i like the drumming and panned fx thing
  • magmavander
    Hey, thank you all Will try your suggestion. This one is a little like a "magmavander's classic" Ahhhh, summer is far from now...