Blue Noise

Release date
Classical Modern
Some string group/elecronic/experimental thing.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.8 MB
Downloaded / played
589 times
7 times
8.8 (4 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest classical modern tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • flos
    Oh yes, you are the master for me. I'd like to hear some ethereal pads coupled with the strings so the trip could be perfect.
  • that is nice work on those strings.... I like how your drums come in.. this would make great film music.
  • The strings sound good. The drums sound good. And those beautiful 'chimes' (music box?). You used the cymbal at the right time but where is the epicness after the cymbal. You might have added in a few swelling French Horns and trumpets. Man, I once got a chance to play with EWQL Symphonic Orchestra and I loved it. I wonder why so many people make crappy music with it (I'm not talking about you, you're doing well) . In the reviews people say that the brass section isn't sounding that great. Well. I tried it and if you use them in the right way, they will be awesome. Thanks for reading my comment, - AniCator
  • Thank you very much for the comments! I think that this track needs some improvements, it's just too flat. Anicator: The main problem is that many people thinks that there are no further things to do with the sounds in EWQLSO, but they can reach excellent sounds only if they adjust the ADSR well and listen artists that plays this instrument.
  • A Fan
    Hi Mate, this time I think the same as u. The whole track is a bit to "dark for my taste. The Cello sounds at the beginning are just a bit to sad, what about doin' the whole thing a bit brighter. I know some times life is not so easy, but try to get the whole thing a little bit more shining and you have a perfect track. Perhaps you are not in the mood to do so, well then it is o.k as it is ... Always look at the bright stars shining, they always show you a solution ...
  • Hey, I think this track is very good. I can hear awesome dissonances here and feel strange, dark atmosphere which I really like. Quality of the sound is very professional.
  • I am SO going to buy Symphonic Orchestra!