
Release date
laid back and enjoy greetings to all buzzer out there.... im back
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
181.8 KB
Downloaded / played
1173 times
9 times
10 (2 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

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  • Ano
    Yeah ! I enjoyed a lot this song, a great bmx with a superb atmosphere, and your sound of bass (with PercFM) is perfect here ! Thanks for sharing !...Hey, for the little story, I had an incredible intuition ! : I thought precisely of you this morning while walking in the street, and wondered if you had left the buzz scene, really !!...
  • sparschaeler
    i also want people to spontaneously think of me
  • Hello, monoton. Your bmx is truly great! It is 100% old buzz sound, like one of Scaldor songs (which are my favorites and are demo songs for old buzz distro). It also proves that there is no need for bunch of mastering effects that totally hangs cpu (especially my old celeron) to create great music. The only problem i had is a Rout 909 machine, which I cannot find anywhere, nor with old buzz distro nor even on, so I had to load bmx in buze to remove it completely. But even without Rout 909 it was a great experience! Thanks, and take a humble 10 from me.
  • hey monoton, welcome back keep hanging around, you are essential to buzz !! This track is great, I enjoyed it alot It reminded me a bit of scaldor too Nice to see you back (or rather listen)
  • Absolutely great bmx here! Nice to see you back, Mono.
  • hi ppls thanx for the warm recipience. im glad you like this bmx... and hope the community will hold together and grow with his songs. imliving and how the germans says "unkraut vergeht nicht"
  • Sounds as if you could join the guys of "Kraftwerk" tomorrow ... I like your track a lot ...
  • Woaw! Cool to see you back mono And with a pure monoton song, thanks! Welcome back
  • Just one remark to the most important passage of your comment, you said: "hope the community will hold together", that's it! I dunno (thanks to shytan for this expression ), I really dunno anything about you, or any other "avatar" here, but I can listen to your music. 

    Perhaps if we meet on the street you would change to the other side of the street and think, what a strange person, and perhaps it would be the other way round. But we all love music, we all love this little proggy here, made by a community that sticks together and has some intelligence to program and setup it. And that's the thing, it doesn't matter if your young, old, male, female, rich, poor, black white, yellow, red, what religion, left or right winged etc. The members of the commuinity will listen to your tracks and tell you what they think about it and if someone has a problem he can talk about it. I really enjoy staying here ... . Thanks to all of you ... . 

    So, all that's in the short passage: "hope the community will hold together" ... . Thank you for thinking loud and I enjoyed it, when you told us about your feelings while listening to some tracks, I do the same ... .