Dream (original by greenfinger)
- Release date
- Author
Pattern Man
- Genre
- Lo-fi
- Description
- replaced the drums with a simple and repetitive jazz rhythm and added an m4wII playing a kind of melodica sound ... not much, just a suggestion.
- Format
- Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
- File size
- 1.3 MB
- Downloaded / played
1303 times
- Commented
6 times
- Rating
(1 vote)
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Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)
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but here your bass is simply a little off/ramshackle sometimes although still pretty good for a 'live session') and that's hard to compensate with drums. you can try to fill these parts with variations and accents, but you have to stay in the groove. that's why i tried to add a very simple and strict beat, which, imo, works quite well, because it keeps the beat and distracts from the bass-offs.
besides that i didn't like the sound of your drums, but that's surely a matter of taste. i don't know if i have the time to make a more complex rhythm section for this song soon.