It's a battle (original by anicator)

Release date
Pattern Man
erm ... crappy bmw emulation made while eating breakfast - not very accurate. Don't take it tooo serious, please.
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
3.2 KB
Downloaded / played
1262 times
3 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest classical tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Hi Pattern Man, This is the first time a remix of one of my tracks has been published on BuzzMusic. It sounds quite nice for an emulation that was made while you were eating. I remixed a lot of Rayman tracks but I didn't emulate them but used samples which is actually illegal. That's why they are not published here. I am really fund of using ripped samples. I wonder what it would sound like when you would use samples. Of course I am not the one that should decide what it should sound like. Thanks for remixing one of my tracks, - AniCator
  • Swami
    Not my cup of indian tea, anyway cool emulation ! especially the cello part. btw: Kroatien 2 Deutschland 1...sorry
  • frog eater
    Portugal:2 Deutschland:3...Allez La Mannshaft !