I Needed You Then

Release date
Feeling a little dejected and worrying myself about the future. Comments and suggestions greatly appreciated.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.4 MB
Downloaded / played
1124 times
10 times
8.8 (5 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest ambient tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • talmi
    I know that kind of mood, and I share it sometimes... but, don't worry! (very nice tune)
  • schröder
    To say something about the track is like turning the eyes away from its demanding emotions (i hope it's the right english). Both, the track and your feelings, are strong, clear and true.
  • schröder
    By the way: There are a few tracks without drums on this server. I like them a lot!
  • nool
    nice work razornaut, but keep ya head up
  • zarr
    u make music like playing an instument bringin music with feeling and emotion GREAT
  • Cat
    Don't go choppin yourself yet matey, thats a good tune. You should be proud of it, and thank the emoion for influence. If you're still feeling low, eat some cat biscuits. Whiskas complete adult.. NOT the green ons, they're foul.
  • blaix
    very nice track, kinda repeditive. but nice, i would have added really glitchy drums and just go crazzy with a bad feeling, but thats me
  • well nice tune - sounds like u chill in a cave - quite psychedelic - like u r on mushrooms - music sends pictures!
  • This is very nice. Just when I thought it was going to explode into some rythm pattern, instead it sustracted voices, that minimalism in fact it worked very well.
  • A great one. Speaks about sadness...