Reverse Full Throttle [techno]

Release date
All buzz, nothing else...
Humanity is on an inevitable course to seeding life throughout the solar system, no matter how clinically we try to sterilize our probes and ships going to the worlds beyond our home planet. 
In the meantime, we are traveling and commuting between the worlds, fascinated about possibility and opportunity, like little children when they first enter the candy shop. 

On one flight approaching Enceladus, something common is taking place. Vacationing and work relations are the rule of the cycles, and as we approach the descent phase onto this moon... 


"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, 

As we are now approaching our final deceleration phase to Enceladus and soon to be starting the docking procedures, please make sure your seats are in their full upright position and your tray tables closed and secured. Recheck all carry-on luggage is stowed under your bed or in the designated luggage compartments and your seat belt is securely fastened during the deceleration and station coupling process. If you're staying at the station, we recommend you visit the panorama halls to enjoy the various views on Saturn. 

Thank you very much for flying Robotplanet Aerospace and we wish you a pleasant journey down to the surface of this lovely Moon." 

An instant later, a blinding flash bursts through the panoramic windows of the ship facing the planet. A sliver of a nanosecond later, the windows faded to black, just in time to protect the retinas of anyone looking in that direction. Another moment later, the walls were displaying a gamma radiation alert... 

Something down there just within the highest layers of the planets atmosphere went wrong. There was no time to see what happened. Whatever it was, it went very wrong... 


Have a slow Techno. 

Perfect for those moments just before sunrise. 

from Moving Spaces, track released November 8, 2017 
Thanks go out to Captain Joe, who sort of involuntarily sparked the inspiration to go into the uncharted territories and exploring the reverse boost properties of the Enceladus EQ, recently developed by joachip of And Joachip, for developing the Enceladus Tube EQ
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
16.4 MB
Downloaded / played
42 times
8 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

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