2005 Intro (re-upload)

Release date
Found one of the oldies. Infectors at work Don't remember uploading it at all, anyway, here it is.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
1.8 MB
Downloaded / played
536 times
7 times
9.3 (4 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Again, what a wonderful use of Infector... The chord riffs are amazing. I enjoyed also a lot the bass, very powerful and PHAT But why so shoooort ?
  • I love those sine-arps
  • I always enjoy listening to a Shytan tune. You have just a touch of that demostyle sound in your songs and no matter the genre you always write something amazing.
  • Yep "Ivan" I enjoyed a whole bunxh of your bmx's lately, I loke every track, even if it is what you call a snippet!
  • Shytan
    Thanks, folks. But who's "Ivan"?
  • MixxxAd
    Dear Oleg (Shytan), it seems I had a little liquor too much I couldn't resist ... sure it's better to use your real name ... anyway it's very good buzzmusic you are giving to the audience ...
  • BeeKeeper
    HI, Shytan ))! Welcome to an Ivans community)))! Its good old tune of you, and thanks for a pleasure to listen it. You really talented person with own feeling of Buzz and personal touch, but i hope the glory of a "great buzzer-musician" dont do harm to your personality and inspiration man . I think it may be some.. annoying(?) when you hear too too much much compliments, no? Your comarade BK Mark M. If you searchin for buzzer Ivan from Ukraine, so there is one . And i think, if an alcohol makes that strange things for ur mind, may be better nexttime to use a.. milk, no)? questions?
  • Good intro for the first podcast. Made it on the short list.