Bias adjust (Shytan's remix) - OGG

Release date
Shytan & duz_
Really a small re-work of this imho beautiful chillout theme. Changed a few instruments and re-arranged a few parts; added some pads and a soloing instrument (not very well audible). Here's the OGG version for you. Have a nice listenin'...
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
5.2 MB
Downloaded / played
1388 times
5 times
9 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest chillout tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Little changes which making that original, very good track sounds else better : ) I like this kick and mastering. Greetings : )
  • cromm
  • hey devil, where are you going with your style, its not typical yours, but its a great house song, like this much
  • yeah ... a good addition to the already nice original. i think there is a little too much of delay on the rim/snare/clap/whatever track, but otherwise the sound is bigger and more clear now. well done.
  • Thanks Shytan for remixing my song! Hey, I like it! It's a little more groovy now and more interesting. The pads are better; envelopes and "filters" are more evolving and organic: makes it less boring. Like the extra groovy chord strikes (like the ones at 0:40,1:26), you could have put in more of them. Really like the new "melody-line" starting at 5:20, the use of a voice staying (5ths below?) makes it more interesting arragments-wize, it dirty the sweet melody in a clever way. And of course the mastering is a lot better. Good work.