Frontal Lobe (quick preview - original by AniCator)

Release date
Here's a 2min quick mix of AniCator's tune. Basically it's not a composition, but only the main theme repeated several times with little variation. OzO on the bass, PadSyn on pads, Superwave VSTi doing the solo and some sampled percussions. Have fun.

Nice to do some buzzin' again
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.1 MB
Downloaded / played
1590 times
9 times
9 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest reggae tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Awesome. Your take is very interesting. Cool stuff.
    Glad to see someone remix one of my tracks again.
  • Made in about 5 hours. Got a lot of fun from the process itself considering the fact that I like the main tune a lot.
  • Interesting because in the original track I rather like the melody that plays at 1:22 and the rest of that section. :p
    I guess it's the resonating tones that make your run away from that melody.
  • Not at all, there's a lot to be added from the original (including the melody changes and background melodies) and I hope I find time for that - this upload is merely a preview
  • Cool riddim Super flowing music. Beau travail oleg!
  • a very well done recreation. not really reggae imo but the groovy offbeat accent is a bit similar.
  • Just realized. It makes me think of the Worms games. XD
  • Not bad at all, Oleg - some great melodies from you as always and your harmonic variations work nicely in this song which reminds me of some of the ones done by Nephtali... b.t.w. I've just uploaded my latest track here - please check it out as I'm sure you won't be disappointed with what you hear! --Davey--
  • Still waiting for a full version.