Frontal Lobe (quick preview - original by AniCator)
- Release date
- Author
- Genre
- Reggae
- Description
- Here's a 2min quick mix of AniCator's tune. Basically it's not a composition, but only the main theme repeated several times with little variation. OzO on the bass, PadSyn on pads, Superwave VSTi doing the solo and some sampled percussions. Have fun.
Nice to do some buzzin' again
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 4.1 MB
- Downloaded / played
1590 times
- Commented
9 times
- Rating
(3 votes)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)
- Collaboration
This track is the remix of:
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