Gen Bee (beta3) - OGG

Release date
The OGG version for ya...
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
3.3 MB
Downloaded / played
1425 times
6 times
9.6 (5 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Once again a great piece of music from big buzzer shytan. Your skills in composing and arranging are the ones that are missed by the most people here I think (me included!). I love the detailes you build in here and there!!! I just would say that you are using a bit too much compression between the drums and the bass sound ... I guess so, because I cannot listen and look into the source But thats just nothing. So you get 9,75 points from me. Pleeeease stretch it!!!
  • I agree with schroder that the compression is too great. Put more attk and less ratio on compressor. Composition is simply wonderful! I love the porta synth that comes in early.
  • Lizard
    I agree here with the others. Great music! I really like the sound that appears 00:56 the first time and the filter usage of ozo - and of course the athmosphere. As the others alrady mentioned. Take less compression (for example at 1:45 you here that it's too much). I also find the snares way too dry and maybe not punchy enough...
  • mag
    Spacey, dark, dreamy, dramatic, metalic, cinematic. This should be used in a movie or in a game. I luv it!!!
  • BHS
    Grand Master , you are here ! you are a reference ! As always great atmosphere and amazing sound. I have tryed the source file bmx but something don't run . I hope to open it. Every BMX from Shytan is a source .