Help Request Signals From The Planet Earth (original by BHS)

Release date
Working on this one for too long.. Nothing more comes to mind. Tried to re-construct the main melody. In the end decided to skip the original voice samples, though liked them at first. Looks as if the initial idea evaded me. Hence the conclusion - never work on your tracks for too long.

Sorry for the clicks in the middle part, couldn't do anythin' to get rid of 'em. Please point out the weak sides.

And, of course, greets to all buzzers ))
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.5 MB
Downloaded / played
1659 times
10 times
9.3 (4 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
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  • I like it. I think some parts might need a little more cutoff on the high frequencies of the synths in the pre-mid and middle of the song and some of the delay feedback might be lowered a bit. Other than than I think it all fits nicely.
  • mag
    Wow! excellent remix, creative. You can be satisfied with your work little devil I know what you mean with "working too long on a song". It happens often to me (well after 4 hours of work lol) and at last you aint able to judge your own work. But I can tell you that this one is very good, the bass synth is killer.
  • Посетитель
    Шайтанама, хорошама трекама!
  • Buzztler
    Fine that you are back with a track ... I like it, can't hear anything weak in this one. You have definately your own style. I'm still deeply impressed by some of your tracks, for example fantastic "homeplanet" I sometimes listen it over and over ...
  • BHS
    A special day this one: grand master Shytan has remixed one my tracks !!! Very honoured. The track is really cool, the bass and drum are so "pumping", I like a lots. Only the lenght is a bit short for my taste, maybe only 1 more minutes it would be OK. Anyway great sounds and the tipical taste of Shytan. Thanks for this. If it is possible to share the BMX or, if not possible, it would be interesting also to put an eye at the signal patch, and so a screenshot of machine-view from your PC would be useful. Great ... as always ... it's a shame that also you has so poor free time for buzzin. P.S. what do you use for listen and monitoring ?
  • Great remix, Shytan! and great to see you here again with a new track!
  • Thanks ppl for them comments. To Paolo: sure thing, I'll mail the bmx to you later this week.
  • Spiritcatcher
    could you shift the beat by 1 ? trade the snares for the bass drum and vice versa ? also, some lp filtering and more interplay between the rhythm synths ... but what me irks is the beat.
  • how'd I miss this! I've always loved your style Shytan. very creative.
  • sparschäler
    haven't been around in a while and now finding this gem...