ID 12138
- Release date
- 2011-06-26
- Author
- Shytan
- Genre
- Minimalism
- Description
- This track was uploaded once some time ago. Here's a slightly altered version in Buzz format. No samples, no VST. Very basic electronica style, nothin' fancy PS. The chorpse machine might have a lower version, yet it shouldn't affect the sound.
- Format
- Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
- File size
- 61.4 KB
- Downloaded / played
- 446 times
- Commented
- 3 times
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) - See also
- Latest minimalism tracks on BuzzTunes:
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Only one particular: also for you the level of machine "3o3" is so high ?
Opening the "JedShiva" i have the level of "3o3" synth almost always at full scale. I am using the latest version of JedShiva v1.01 with peak indicator.